Your job is to help people maintain their health? Then I will help you with your marketing activities! Special offer: Adwords Management for traditional practitioners, healers, Gyms, Personal Trainers, Yoga studios und nutritionists

Special conditions for Health-care companies
Besides my job as Adwords Freelancer and Digital Marketing Consultant I am working as Group Fitness Instructor in different gyms in Hamburg. Fitness & Wellness have always been my passion and I decided to make my hobby to my second job. Several years ago finished my studies to become a Group Fitness Instructor (B-Licence) and obtained further certifications over the last few years such as Les Mills Bodypump and Bodybalance.
Besides of that I am currently studying nutrition. I am passionate about fitness, wellness and alternative therapies and I am offering to my clients in these industries special prices, f.e. for the Adwords Management or other marketing packages for healers, homeopathic practitioners, gyms, yoga studios, nutritionists. Please contact me directly to discuss the details!